Monday, December 12, 2016

Priority Standards for Dec. 9-16


Teach My Monster To Read
Use technology to create projects, identify patterns, and make predictions.
·         I can use technology to support my learning.
Exploring Seasons with Sheppard’s Software and BookFlix
Use technology to create projects, identify patterns, and make predictions.
·         I can use technology to support my learning.
1st grade continued
Use technology to create projects, identify patterns, and make predictions.
·         I can use technology to see patterns and make predictions.
Understand and practice appropriate and safe uses of technology.
·         I can be safe online and not share personal information.
2nd grade
Typing, Editing and Printing Friendly Letters (to support ELA standards) continued
Understand and practice appropriate and safe uses of technology.
·         I can use technology to assist my learning.
3rd grade
Famous Person Research Project continued
Utilize digital tools and resources to investigate real–world issues, answer questions, or solve problems.
·         I can use more than one resource.
·         I can find information online to solve problems and answer questions.
4th grade
Typing, Editing and Printing a Friendly Letter (to support ELA standards) continued
Understand basic technology hardware and software and their application.
·         I can choose the right technology for a task.
Hour of Code
Use technology resources to create original products, identify patterns and problems, make predictions, and propose solutions.
5th grade
Hour of Code continued
Use technology resources to create original products, identify patterns and problems, make predictions, and propose solutions.
6th grade
Sharing National Parks projects
Use a variety of technology tools and media-rich resources to work collaboratively with others.
·         I can use technology to share ideas with others.
Use technology resources to create original products, identify patterns and problems, make predictions, and propose solutions.
·         I can choose from a variety of resources to add content to a project.

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