Monday, January 7, 2019

Priority Standards for Technology Jan. 7-14

4th grade:
Electronics Recycling PSA continued
-Students will learn about the importance of recycling electronics and then create a VIDEO or WEBSITE to share with the community.

Guiding Questions:

What types of materials that people throw away are actually recyclable?
What are recycling companies doing to help reduce the impact of human garbage?
21.3-5.TL.1 Use technology resources to create original projects, identify patterns, make predictions, and propose solutions.
*I can choose from a variety of resources to add content to a project.
*I can work individually and collaboratively to create, display, publish, or perform technology projects.
21.3-5.TL.2 Use interactive technologies in a collaborative group to produce digital presentations or products in a curricular area.
*I can use technology to work with others.
21.3-5.TL.4 Use technological resources to develop and refine questions for investigation
*I can use more than one source.
*I can find information online to solve problems.

5th grade:
Student created games (examples include Kahoot, Jeopardy, and Family Feud)
21.3-5.TL.5 Understand and practice appropriate, legal, and safe uses of technology for lifelong learning.
-I can use technology to assist my learning.

6th grade:
National Parks Research & Evaluation Websites continued
21.6-8.TL.3 Plan strategies utilizing digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
-I can locate and utilize information from a variety of sources.
-I can evaluate resources for usefulness and validity.
21.6-8.TL.5 Understand the legal and ethical issues of technology as related to individuals, cultures, and societies.
-I can use copyrighted materials responsibly.